Digital Marketing Blog
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When Business Is Slow Let’s Just Stop All Marketing Efforts
Slow times suck for business! I’ll give you that. No one likes standing around twiddling their thumbs while they wait for the phone to ring, or that next customer to walk in the door. (Or, maybe you have one of those employees that just likes to ride the clock and doesn’t mind it.) But for …

Cheap Generic Business Cards Have No Personality
Aside from web design and content marketing I do work with clients on various print products like business cards, letterhead, postcards and flyers. I don’t actively promote this side of my business because building websites and developing content for clients keeps me pretty busy. BUT (and that’s a big but), I always advise clients to …

You Are Digital Sharecropping And Do Not Even Know It
If you have browsed through a few pages on this site then there is a good chance that you ran across the services page where I mention Facebook. On the flip side, if you are a current or past client then it is safe to say that we have discussed your social media presence and …

Do Not Use Google Images On Your Website
I think it’s safe to say that we have all been tempted to use Google Images on our website or blog. Google is awesome, and they make it incredibly easy to find the perfect image for a blog post, or page. But what you may not realize is that Google Images are not free to …

Why Your Small Business Website Needs To Be Mobile Friendly
I hear it a lot. “I already have a small business website. Why on earth do I need to make it mobile friendly?” It’s simple. Mobile web use is exploding. More and more people are using their phones or tablets to find information. I’d be willing to bet that you probably use some sort of …

Goofy Golf Adds Social Media Stickers To Golf Course
Goofy Golf in Fort Walton Beach, FL. is having huge success with social media right now. Since the launch of their website, along with their new social networking strategy, the miniature golf company is seeing a tremendous growth in customer engagement. With the season getting ready to start, we want to make sure that all …

Destin Commons QR Code Issue
Over the weekend I headed out to Destin, FL. to do a little shopping at the Destin Commons. While walking around, my wife noticed that the outdoor mall had begun to incorporate QR Codes into their outdoor print pieces. She pointed to a floor graphic that included a large QR Code. The ad looked good, …